46 Market Street
46 Market Street is located in the heart of the Old Port. The building has five residential units and two commercial spaces at street and garden levels.
Located in downtown Portland, 46 Market Street is in a walkable area surrounded by chic restaurants, boutique shopping, and waterfront activities. The Old Port offers residents plenty to see and do, with public transportation available to take you where you want to go.
Learn More About 46 Market Street:
Please note that the photos provided in this listing are intended to give you a general sense of the apartment’s layout and features. However, the actual condition and appearance of the apartment may vary from the photos shown. Units may vary in terms of finishes, furnishings, appliances, and overall condition. We recommend scheduling a viewing to fully understand the current state of the apartment you are interested in. If you have any questions, please contact us directly.
Utilities & Services
Rents at 46 Market Street include water/sewer.
For electricity, please contact Central Maine Power (CMP) at 1-800-750-4000.
For heat, hot water and/or cooking gas (natural gas), please contact Unitil at 1-866-933-3821.
If any utility company needs access to a secured area of the building, please call Port Property’s Non-Emergency Maintenance Line at 207-699-2219 at least 24 hours in advance. Residents should leave their name, new address, and the connection date.
Note: Please do not schedule utilities to be turned on during the weekend or after hours if Port Property is required for access or assistance.
46 Market Street includes a washer/dryer in each unit.
Mailboxes are located on the second floor of the building in the common area near the entry doors of Units 1-3.
There is no off-street parking available at 46 Market Street.
For further information about on-street parking and City of Portland parking bans, please contact the City of Portland or visit their website.
The specified trash day for 46 Market Street is Wednesday.
To ensure the property is kept clean, residents must not put trash out before Tuesday at 8 pm. City of Portland trash bags must be used and placed curbside on Exchange Street (these can be purchased at local convenience stores and supermarkets). If residents dispose of household trash and/or large items in or around the building, they will be charged for removal and disposal. Please use the recycling totes, which are kept on the property, for single sort recyclables. Port Property is responsible for placing the totes curbside on a weekly basis.
The City of Portland’s recycling guide is available here.
Building Access
All apartments at 46 Market Street are accessed via the entrance of 31 Exchange Street; a short breezeway connects the two buildings. This is the only way to access the residential units in the building.
Apartments Available At This Property
No available apartments.